Friday, January 13, 2012

Soal Latihan UN 2012

Soal Latihan UN Mata Pelajaran IPA : latihan-soal-un-smp-mts-2012-ipa.pdf - 551 KB Soal Latihan UN Mata Pelajaran Matematika : latihan matematika UN 2012.PDF - 83 KB Soal Latihan UN Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Inggris : latihan bhs inggris.pdf - 58 KB Soal Latihan UN Mata Pelajaran Bahasa Idonesia : latihan-soal-un-smp-mts-2012-indo.pdf - 79 KB

Thursday, December 22, 2011

News from Nature Invisibility before and after

Reveal the Hidden Nature News, before the events of the earth and sky, until the occurrence adam, death events, doomsday events up to the afterlife

Minutes of the books written by the scholars of the past era, as well as scholars in today .....
Among others:
1. Al-Karim Quranul
2. Tafsir Al-Jalalayn
3. Tafseer-Miqbas Tanwirul, Muhammad ibn ash Thohir Ya'cub Alfairuz Zabadi
4. Noon Syaik Bada'i uz bin Ahmad bin Muhammad Al-Hanafi lyas

Download is Here